Astronaut Leroy Chiao's Space Blog-China

Posted by AC Team on Sunday, 23 January 2005.

Astronaut Leroy Chiao's Space Blog-China: This shot of the Yellow River is the Eastern part of the river in North Eastern part of China that runs North-South. The texture of the surrounding hilly area creates a nice effect. The air was very clear there. Only a little more to the East, it was very smoggy.

This shot of the Yellow River is the Eastern part of the river in North Eastern part of China that runs North-South. The texture of the surrounding hilly area creates a nice effect. The air was very clear there. Only a little more to the East, it was very smoggy.

Argentina Nepal/China Border Region Chi Lien Mountains South Africa Salamat Basin in Chad Mozambique Corrientes, Argentina Dec. 10, 2004 Blog Malaysia Patagonian Glaciers Bolivia

Click here for AsianConnections' exclusive interview with Leroy while in training at Star City, Russia.