Business Spotlight

For Love of Money by Marilyn Tam

Posted by AC Team - on Monday, 06 February 2012

For Love of Money by Marilyn Tam
Have you heard this before? “Love or Business, you have to choose.” The message is direct - you have to decide what you value more, something/one you love or your work/business. Actually, there is a more factual statement – Love is Good Business. February is the month of love. A great deal of thought and energy will be spent on expressions of love, usually for a romantic partner. The truth in the old axiom, Love makes the World Go Round, applies to all aspects of life, not only to...

Ellen Pao, Partner of a Venture Capital Group in Silicon Valley files suit

Posted by AC Team on Monday, 04 June 2012.

Ellen Pao, Partner of high profileELLEN PAO Venture Capital Group in Silicon Valley Kleiner Perkins Caulfield and Byers files suit alleging sexual harassment and gender discrimination.

For the story and a copy of the legal complaint click to the story at Tech Crunch.