Business Spotlight

For Love of Money by Marilyn Tam

Posted by AC Team - on Monday, 06 February 2012

For Love of Money by Marilyn Tam
Have you heard this before? “Love or Business, you have to choose.” The message is direct - you have to decide what you value more, something/one you love or your work/business. Actually, there is a more factual statement – Love is Good Business. February is the month of love. A great deal of thought and energy will be spent on expressions of love, usually for a romantic partner. The truth in the old axiom, Love makes the World Go Round, applies to all aspects of life, not only to...

Students Graduate from Green Job Training

Posted by AC Team on Sunday, 05 July 2009.

by Sing Tao Daily - New America Media

June 29, 2009


The City of Oakland first green job training commencement was held at Laney College on Monday. The Sing Tao Daily reports 38 graduates from different ethnic groups said, We are ready to the millions of green job opportunities that President Obama had promised.

All the graduates had been previously laid off. They learned how to install solar panels; fix wind power electricity generators; produce bio-fuel and took other classes on recyclable energy resources in the 12-week training program.

According to the American Solar Energy Society, there will be 16-37 million green jobs available to people being laid off by 2030.

by Sing Tao Daily - New America Media

June 29, 2009


The City of Oakland first green job training commencement was held at Laney College on Monday. The Sing Tao Daily reports 38 graduates from different ethnic groups said, We are ready to the millions of green job opportunities that President Obama had promised.

All the graduates had been previously laid off. They learned how to install solar panels; fix wind power electricity generators; produce bio-fuel and took other classes on recyclable energy resources in the 12-week training program.

According to the American Solar Energy Society, there will be 16-37 million green jobs available to people being laid off by 2030.

Related: is a proud member of the nation's largest consortium of ethnic media outlets. More than 51 million ethnic adults connect to each other, to home countries and to America through ethnic media, the fastest growing sector of American journalism.