Feng Shui expert and author Angi Ma Wong provides your Year of the Monkey astrology forecast.
The Year of the Wood Monkey begins on January 22, 2004, the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year.
It will be a year to be imaginative, innovative, creative, resourceful, clever, and observant - all attributes that will lead to sure success.
Don't take yourself so seriously that you become stressed out or uptight. This is not the year for confrontations, but rather to exercise your wit and good humor in the face of anything getting in your way. Those who are eager to learn and are flexible, even unconventional are those who will come up with the best new ideas, innovations and inventions.
Thirteen days after the Lunar New Year begins, the Chinese solar year begins with a major shift in energy, heralding a new 20-year period of 8.
If you have used feng shui in designing your home, be aware that a major shift in energy takes place on that day and the areas of both good luck and troubles shift dramatically in your home and office. It's time for a feng shui tune-up!
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