
Janet Yang is Elected President of Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences

Posted by Suzanne Kai - on Sunday, 09 October 2022

Janet Yang is Elected President of Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences
August 2, 2022 Hollywood by Suzanne Joe Kai   Janet Yang has been elected President of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences by its Board of Governors! This is an epic, historic moment recognizing the first Asian American to become President of the Academy in its 95 year history. She is only the second person of color and the fourth female elected as the Academy's President.  Ms. Yang began her first term as president August 2, 2022, and continues in her second...


Singer Judy Collins makes rare appearance at SF's Rrazz Room September 20-October 1. A Conversation with Judy Collins by Suzanne Joe Kai

Posted by AC Team on Monday, 12 September 2011

Judy Collins made a rare appearance in San Francisco selling out all of her performances from September 20 through October 1 at the Rrazz Room at the Hotel Nikko.

Judy Collins is a true Renaissance woman. At 72, she's still going strong. She continues to write, perform, and lead her own record label. In addition to her own music and creative projects she nurtures and manages other artists. She is an Academy Award-nominated filmmaker, a painter, an author, and an in-demand keynote speaker.

2011 marks her 50th year as a performer with up to 80 to 100 concert dates across the country per year.

Judy Collins’ social history has always been linked with her musical history. As a social activist she is active in many causes, including UNICEF and the abolition of land mines.

Her latest projects to be released October 18, 2011 include a new book, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes, a new album called Bohemian, and a new children’s book When You Wish Upon a Star.

If you are in San Francisco don't miss Judy Collins performing September 20 through October 1 at the Rrazz Room at the Hotel Nikko!

Visit her official website

Click here for Judy Collins' concert schedule


A Conversation with Judy Collins
with Suzanne Joe Kai

Judy Collins chatted with Suzanne Joe Kai recently about her new projects, her creative spirit, and her upcoming performances in San Francisco and across the country.

Suzanne: I understand your new book

Concert Pianist Lang Lang Performs live via theaters nationwide October 22, and rebroadcast October 24

Posted by AC Team on Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Concert pianist Lang Lang will be performing
in a live broadcast to theaters across the country on
Saturday October 22 at 8:00pm EST
(6:00pm MT/8:00pm PT tape delay).

A rebroadcast performance is scheduled for
Monday, October 24 at 6:00pm ET
(6:00pm MT/8:00pm PT). 

Tickets and the complete list of
theaters are available now at:




Heralded as the “hottest artist on the classical music planet” by The New York Times, 29-year-old Lang Lang will grace silver screens across the country in a special cinematic concert event, featuring the Philadelphia Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Charles Dutoit. Lang Lang Live on Franz Liszt’s 200th Birthday is a live, classical music in-theater event in whichLang Lang will mark the 200th birthday of his hero, piano virtuoso and composer Franz Liszt, by performing Liszt’s famed Piano Concerto No.1, as well as some of the most celebrated solo pieces written for the piano. This Fathom event is the first classical music “cinemacast” headlined by a solo artist, and will also feature special footage shot at this summer‘s iTunes Festival, including behind-the-scenes

Nan Melville’s Documentary Film ‘Nrityagram: For the Love of Dance’ screens at the Newport Beach Film Festival on May 3‏

Posted by Lia Chang on Thursday, 28 April 2011

Nrityagram Dance Ensemble in their Amphitheatre in their village in India. Photo by Nan Melville

Nrityagram: For the Love of Dance, a short documentary by dance photojournalist Nan Melville, will screen at the Newport Beach Film Festival at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 3, 2011, in Newport Beach, California.

Protima Bedi at Nrityagram, February, 1998. Photo by Nan Melville

Melville, a freelance photographer for several arts institutions including The Julliard School, Carnegie Hall, and The New York Times, specializes in photographing and filming the performing arts, primarily dance.

Melville first met the Nrityagram Dance Ensemble in 1996, when she was assigned by The New York Times to photograph their U.S. debut performance in New York. After visiting the Nrityagram dance village in Bangalore, India, at the invitation of the late Protima Bedi, she began working on her documentary. She returned to India to film life in the dance village, and research archival materials.

Nan Melville

LIfe and Beyond by Marilyn Tam

Posted by Marilyn Tam on Wednesday, 12 October 2011

        The recent death of Steve Jobs, a man who dared to dream and create beyond the constraints of the prevailing consciousness, brought many people including me to a place of deeper reflection. What does it mean to be really alive? How do I make sure that I am living my highest potential every day? How do I ensure that I will feel at peace when it is my time to leave this planet?

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.
  And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
                  They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
                 Everything else is secondary.”  --- 
Steve Jobs 

Live presentation Oct 19, 2011: Orange County Japanese Americans in Battle and Behind Barbed Wire: The World War II Experience of Orange County Nikkei

Posted by AC Team on Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Live presentation Oct 19, 2011: Orange County Japanese Americans in Battle and Behind Barbed Wire: The World War II Experience of Orange County Nikkei

Live presentation Octoer 19, 2011

Orange County Japanese Americans in Battle and Behind Barbed Wire:
The World War II Experience of Orange County Nikkei in History and Memory

As a girl, Chizuko Judy Sugita DeQueiroz was forcibly removed from the West Coast
and confined by the U.S. government in a concentration camp. In Camp Days 1942-1945,
the artist depicts via watercolor paintings and verbal narratives her haunting memories.

Her presentation, based on her book, is entitled "Memories of Camp Days 1942-1945."

Dr. Arthur A. Hansen, professor emeritus of history and Asian American studies at
CSU Fullerton and the former senior historian at the Japanese American National Museum,
presents on the life, death, and treatment of Orange County's most famous hero in World War II,
Kazuo Masuda—and the culmination of the Japanese American redress and reparations
movement in the Civil Liberties Act of 1988.

His presentation is entitled "The Masuda Family of Orange County and the American Way."

Wednesday, October 19, 2011   4:00 - 8:30 pm

Meet at Orange County Agricultural and Nikkei Heritage Museum
Call 657-278-3407 by Friday, October 14 to pre-register. (Appreciated, but not required.)

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