
Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter Passes Away at Age 96

Posted by AC Team - on Sunday, 26 November 2023

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter Passes Away at Age 96
When I got married and moved to a Ranch north of Tucson, Arizona, I was still a broadcaster for an ABC TV affiliate Magazine show, but the rest of my life completely changed. I remember when the late First Lady Rosalynn Carter arrived at our Kai Ranch and greeted our family. She was beautiful and very kind. She wrote me a handwritten note wishing me good wishes in happiness and health. I wish I could thank her for her kindness again. Thank you First Lady Rosalynn Carter.

Chinese protest ABC, Disney and Jimmy Kimmel

Posted by AC Team on Saturday, 09 November 2013.

November 9, 2013

Protest NY Times Square 2013-11-9 Photo by Together Visuals Anthony Eng AlvarezProtests from San Francisco to New York City erupted over late night show host Jimmy Kimmel on October 28 after airing a segment with Kimmel asking children their thoughts on world issues. In the segment, Kimmel asks how they would handle the $1 trillion-plus bill the U.S. owes China, a child made a comment about how the U.S. should 'kill everyone in China."

The White House condemned the sketch in an statement online November 7, after a petition against Kimmel received more than 100,000 signatures.

Protesters in Times Square on November 9 were captured on camera by New York based photographer Anthony Eng Alvarez. (Photo credit: Togerher Visuals/Anthony Eng Alvarez) 



Asian Americans Protest Jimmy Kimmel by Katy Steinmetz,

China wants Jimmy Kimmel to Apologize...For a Third Time by Laura Stampler.

Chinese protest ABC, Disney and Jimmy Kimmel post by Together Visuals/Anthony Eng Alvarez

Chinese Foreign Ministry tells ABC to respond to protesters' "Reasonable Demands" over Jimmy Kimmel Comedy Bit Deadline Hollywood





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